Thursday, March 31, 2011

Interview with Tom Cruise's Ninja Baby and siege dominance in Shogun 1v1 league

]TPG[ AzureCuzYeah: I am here with Tom Cruise's Ninja Baby rank 6 on the 1v1 Land Battle Ladder holding a 53 win/ 9 loss record. How are you doing TCNB (No way I can spell that out every time)
Tom Cruise's Ninja Baby: Well, thank you, and don't worry, I did choose a pretty long name. :D
]TPG[ AzureCuzYeah: TCNB are you an active member of the Total War Community?
Tom Cruise's Ninja Baby: I am trying to be, though I have only been active since Shogun 2 came out. Previously, I wasn't impressed with the other Total War mulitplayer experiences.
]TPG[ AzureCuzYeah: What about Shogun has changed and made it interesting to you?
Tom Cruise's Ninja Baby: The multiplayer experience or the indivdual campaign mode against the computer?
]TPG[ AzureCuzYeah: the multiplayer aspect
Tom Cruise's Ninja Baby: I would have to say the rank structure is very improved, as well as the limits to battle funds to help new players find their ground without being overwhelmed with large battles. There are many other awesome aspects, such as the ability to effectively couteract cavalry without having to use cavalry units. The siege weaponry is another sweet feature I use to the full extent.
Tom Cruise's Ninja Baby: There are many more too, lol, how long did you want your blog to be?
]TPG[ AzureCuzYeah: Many people see the use of siege weapons to be dishonorable. What would you say to them?
Tom Cruise's Ninja Baby: I'd say it is something that is available to all players, though I do see how someone could have that opinion. The siege feature is not an end all, be all. I have fought against other players who use siege weaponry and the strategy aspect changes dramatically from the usual line up and duke it out strategy.
]TPG[ AzureCuzYeah: Can you explain your use of siege weaponry in 1v1 battles?
Tom Cruise's Ninja Baby: Sure. Due to the buildings with their bonus features when someone 'captures' them, the siege unit is an effective tool to strip them of that bonus. On the flip side, it is also beneficial to me in the sense that some people do not desire to come within range of my siege weapons. If this is the case, I can obtain the buildings with all their bonuses without losing a single soldier.
Tom Cruise's Ninja Baby: Also, the siege units ability to destroy a general long before he has a chance to influence the battle is another key apect as to why I use it.
]TPG[ AzureCuzYeah: Have you encountered any affective counters to your strategy?
Tom Cruise's Ninja Baby: Yes, those who use the landscape to avoid my siege units ammo are able to reduce the effectiveness of my strategy Understand, please, that when using a siege weapon, the utilizer loses other units with the money they have spent taking it into battle. If there are no buildings to give bonuses present, someone who waits outside the range of my siege unit also force me to abandon its benefits. Some have successfully rushed my siege unit in the heat of a battle and taken it out that way.
]TPG[ AzureCuzYeah: You currently hold a 85.5% win ratio. This is a controversial number when compared to the many people out there experiencing plug pullers (Disconnecting their internet connection to avoid a loss). What do you have to say to that and what do you think of those people that do plug pull.
Tom Cruise's Ninja Baby: I think it defeats the purpose of the game, and is a detriment to those who play well and win the battle. I would suggest to Creative Assembly that they post another column listing the amount of DC's a person has during battles. Also, after 3 minutes of battle time, if a player disconnects for whatever reason, it should not end the battle, only leave their army leaderless, allowing the opposing player to claim what is, usually, rightfully theirs, a win.
Tom Cruise's Ninja Baby: I have not disconnected on anyone except a clan mate when we were testing out different battle strategies. This was consensual and only done because the Classic Battle feature does not allow full use of armies or veteran units.
Tom Cruise's Ninja Baby: Therefore, we decided to dc so as not to affect our score since we were not playing competitively.
Tom Cruise's Ninja Baby: Apart from that, I have had 6 or so people dc on me in the midst of a victory. All were in the last throes of defeat when they 'pulled the plug' or used 'alt+f4'.
]TPG[ AzureCuzYeah: Clearly you feel strongly for a change by CA
Tom Cruise's Ninja Baby: I do, tho it bothers me about others dc'ing, it doesn't ruin my day. It kind of makes me laugh at their lack of respect for their opponent.
]TPG[ AzureCuzYeah: Alright to the lighter side of shogun 2
Tom Cruise's Ninja Baby: Please, lol.
]TPG[ AzureCuzYeah: So what is your favorite unit
Tom Cruise's Ninja Baby: Fire Mangonels, followed by Great Guard.
]TPG[ AzureCuzYeah: I don't think i've ever used a Fire Mangonel personally haha
Tom Cruise's Ninja Baby: Haha, you should, they are really fun to use, especially when you see 20 soldiers from an enemy unit go flying in 10 directions.
]TPG[ AzureCuzYeah: haha
Tom Cruise's Ninja Baby: I guess I have a destructive nature. ^^
]TPG[ AzureCuzYeah: haha.
Tom Cruise's Ninja Baby: Thanks again for asking me to do an interview, pretty flattering.
]TPG[ AzureCuzYeah: I saw a prodigy in the making. Anyway thanks for your time
Tom Cruise's Ninja Baby: Np man, and *blush*, I hope so.. =p Take it ez bro, try out the fire mangonels!

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