]TPG[ AzureCuzYeah: I am here with Hype fresh after his victory against me. Hype is rank 2 in the Shogun ladder and rank 7 in the 1v1 ladder with 60 wins and only 6 losses. You aren't a one trick pony from what I saw what are your other accolades in Shogun 2?
Hype: Well currently I'm 7th in the 2v2 Land and 1st in the 2v2 Naval.
]TPG[ AzureCuzYeah: That is pretty diverse. Which do you like better: the land or the sea?
Hype: I most definitely prefer land battles
]TPG[ AzureCuzYeah: You essentially are top 10 in two different games. It must be pretty hard to keep up with both fronts. How do you stay on top of them both?
Hype: I mainly just play Naval battles to control the entire sea in the Clan Competition. Land battles are what I play for fun
Hype: It's been a bit difficult playing 2v2's which is unfortunate
Hype: CA really needs to work on the game and fix many of the multiplayer matchmaking bugs
]TPG[ AzureCuzYeah: Which have you been victim of?
Hype: Well what I mean is
Hype: 60% of the time when I'm trying to find a game with my 2's partner. The game will either crash. Or bug to the point of us having to Ctr Alt Del
Hype: It normally takes us on average 10-20 minutes to find a game.
Hype: Another reason it takes so long is because people leave when they see our ranks. Factor in the amount of times people pull the plug because of anger. It's really difficult to actually get a real game going in 2v2
]TPG[ AzureCuzYeah: I can see this hindering your ability to stay on top of the ladder
Hype: It's not easy. That's for sure.
]TPG[ AzureCuzYeah: What % of people pull the plug would you say?
Hype: It'll happen roughly at least once a hour
Hype: It's a issue CA really needs to address in this game.
]TPG[ AzureCuzYeah: So thats probably 1 plug pull in every 4-6 games or so. That is a lot of missed wins.
Hype: Unfortunately
]TPG[ AzureCuzYeah: Have you ever purposely disconnected yourself?
Hype: No sir. That's one thing I'll never do.
Hype: I feel like if I was one of those people that did that then I'd deserve it happening to me.
Hype: I just wish that CA would give the person who disconnected a loss. Sure it may affect a innocent bystander every once in a while.
Hype: But overall it would prevent people from doing the bug at all
]TPG[ AzureCuzYeah: This is a good point.
]TPG[ AzureCuzYeah: I am going to ask you something I usually save until the end.
]TPG[ AzureCuzYeah: What is your favorite unit (I have a feeling it will has Ashigaru in its name)
Hype: Sure
]TPG[ AzureCuzYeah: have**
Hype: Haha, I do indeed love the Loan Swords
]TPG[ AzureCuzYeah: What makes Lone Sword Ashigaru so great in your mind?
Hype: The cost. Mainly
Hype: They're so cheap for what you get
Hype: For example
Hype: My level 9 Avatar Loan Sword
Hype: Has 6 Morale 24 Melee attack 9 Melee defence 15 charge bonus and 3 armor.
Hype: It only costs a mere 700
Hype: Compare that to a basic Katana Samurai and there just isn't any comparison
]TPG[ AzureCuzYeah: Yeah, that is completely ridiculous in terms of value
]TPG[ AzureCuzYeah: Do you ever see yourself mixing it up with other "exotic" units.
Hype: It really depends on the money alloted to me at the begining
Hype: Normally in Small / Medium battles I keep it simple
Hype: In large battles I always bring a few more Naginata Warrior Monks
Hype: Really any warrior monk be it a bow or a matchlock are great
Hype: Also the Katan Hero is always in my army if it's a large battle
]TPG[ AzureCuzYeah: How do you use your heros? I have seen many people keep them back to protect their general. Is it just to risky to send him charging?
Hype: It's a complete waste if you just use a hero for defense. you need to save them for when everyone is in a mosh pit.
Hype: After the initial charges and attacks have been set send your Hero in there to commence killing
]TPG[ AzureCuzYeah: You sound like a professional killer Hype
Hype: Haha, I don't know about that. Just been playing the Total War games for a long time. I've come to understand when you should do things.
]TPG[ AzureCuzYeah: haha understood
]TPG[ AzureCuzYeah: Alright Hype I want to thank you for letting me ask you some questions. Any parting words for the Azure Total War community?
Hype: Just for CA to fix this game. I think the gameplay is great. They just need to fix the multiplayer issues. Once that is done they'll have a keeper
]TPG[ AzureCuzYeah: Alright. Thanks again.
Hype: Sure thing, thanks for letting me be a part of this.
A bonus replay was provided by the members of MH_B of them playing 7SAM. It is pretty hilarious and kind of raw. Enjoy.
I also have a special shout out for [N]KRAKEN who wasted 17 minutes of my life because I killed his Admiral. THANKS BRO
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