Friday, April 29, 2011

[7SAM] Mr. Miyagi True Rank 1 Shogun Interview w/ Game Replay and commentary.

]TPG[ AzureCuzYeah: I am here with 7 Sam's Mr. Miyagi. Former Shogun and leader of the 1vs1 ladder. How are you and 7 SAM?
[7SAM]Mr. Miyagi: good good and u
]TPG[ AzureCuzYeah: I am great. So who happens to be the founder of Seven Samurai?
[7SAM]Mr. Miyagi: bronsan
]TPG[ AzureCuzYeah: Before you guys are accepted into 7SAM does bronsan make you watch the movie Seven Samurai?
[7SAM]Mr. Miyagi: lol
[7SAM]Mr. Miyagi: i never seen it but most of the guys have i hear its a epic movie
]TPG[ AzureCuzYeah: Whatever, I am watching it right now! I am ahead of the game incase I want to switch clans! (Don't panic ATW people I am not going anywhere)
]TPG[ AzureCuzYeah: How can you be a part of something and not know its roots Miyagi!
]TPG[ AzureCuzYeah: For those that don't know Seven Samurai is a movie from 1954:
]TPG[ AzureCuzYeah: Alright Miyagi you have been Shogun, Your clan has won the Tier 1 ladder. What is left for you, and your guys?
[7SAM]Mr. Miyagi: well
[7SAM]Mr. Miyagi: everyone is pretty burnt out fighting that 5k nub public clan so i think we are gonna try to get on top of all the ladders but its hard when 75% of the guys in the top 50 of all ladders plug pullers thats hard to compete with
]TPG[ AzureCuzYeah: Well I don't have the same ethics as most of the TW forums. Anyone you want to throw under the bus?
[7SAM]Mr. Miyagi: well im not gonna bash whole clans for plug pulling i sure know amp pulled it on me in a 1v1 thats no shock but i here alot of the guys in that clan are good guys so im not gonna bash the clan just using him cause hes been floating around the 1 spot on the shogun ladder for awhile
[7SAM]Mr. Miyagi: lots of fight ducking going on to
[7SAM]Mr. Miyagi: picking ur fight is just is bad in my eyes
[7SAM]Mr. Miyagi: i loose sometimes everyone does u just take the L like a man type out the GG and learn from ur loss u only learn when u loose u never learn when u win and sometimes i like to loose to put me back at the top of my game and i think alot of good players feel that way
]TPG[ AzureCuzYeah: Yeah it is a shame this game has so many holes people can take advantage of. When you look ahead a year from now. Do you see a competitive game thats been cleaned up by CA?
[7SAM]Mr. Miyagi: who knows the fact that they have draged ass patchin this game is crazy what we have been playing from release is a beta i think and the fact that they have never explained why people get kicked off the 1v1 land and sea ladder its BS they have made millions of dollars on this game and this is the best they can do give me a break
]TPG[ AzureCuzYeah: Yeah, I'd say everyone shares your opinion.
]TPG[ AzureCuzYeah: So on another note lets talk game play. What kinds of strategies have you used to carry you to the rank of Shogun?
[7SAM]Mr. Miyagi: well everything under 24k fights go monks lone sword and light cav and there all no vets i like the big armys and 24k i go katana monks and yari and just hit him fast and hard overwhelm and it works 90% of the time i get alot of shit from people for not picking vets but hey if it aint broke dont fix it u know
]TPG[ AzureCuzYeah: So Sheer numbers and brute force? I like this approach.
]TPG[ AzureCuzYeah: What types of strategies or opponents do you struggle against?
[7SAM]Mr. Miyagi: well
[7SAM]Mr. Miyagi: theres always someone out there that has a army setup and a strat thats just right for countering what im trying to do im not gonna share my weaknesses with the whole world but and army or strat can be beat there is no perfect army or start that will work against every player
]TPG[ AzureCuzYeah: I hear people often saying. "Anyone can be Shogun, it isn't even hard." Do you agree with that? Or did it take a lot of effort to get there?
[7SAM]Mr. Miyagi: well i got there from 1v1 and 2v2s and anyone who has ever been at the top of those ladders now it takes great skill and hours of gaming to get there and for the poeple that get it from 3v3s and 4v4s i have to give them credit cause it take so long just to get a fight i mean sometimes a hour went by and u couldn't even get a game in with dropers and no match being found
[7SAM]Mr. Miyagi: if u dont plug pull and get to be shogun u should be proud and everyone should tip there at and show respect
Call from [7SAM]Mr. Miyagi started.
Call with [7SAM]Mr. Miyagi ended.
]TPG[ AzureCuzYeah: What is your favorite unit in Shogun 2 and why?
[7SAM]Mr. Miyagi: the monks just cause u can use warcry if they didn't have that i would use something else lots of people QQ bout them but there not OP they just have a good debuff
]TPG[ AzureCuzYeah: Alright so I am going to hand the floor over to you before we end the interview. Anything you want to promote or discuss?
[7SAM]Mr. Miyagi: i know we get a lot of shit on the forums for being cheaters and plug pullers but the fact is everyone in the clan are really good guys where a really tight group yes we had people along the way not play by the rules and they have been kicked we kinda find it funny and enjoy seeing all the QQ on the forums and u tube but the fact is were all good dudes that like to have fun and win and win the right way lastly i want to give a shout out to my clan for wining teir1 its was a epic allnighter ill never 4get and hats off to katsumoto breeze for making shogun just add to the list for 7sam who been there and thats it
]TPG[ AzureCuzYeah: Thanks Miyagi I hope to do this again soon.
[7SAM]Mr. Miyagi: thank u and i hope we meet on the battle field and get to do one together on ur site
]TPG[ AzureCuzYeah: I look forward to it!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Perablenta's 1vs1 video: Spector vs Matchlock/Cav spam!

Ok, I have a new battle review for you!

In this one you can see how can a balanced army fight against a 50 % matchlock warrior monk / 50% Melee Cavalry spam.

It has some grate kamikaze moments and some rapid fire execution moments!

Be sure to watch and learn from this because I ain't going to show how my Katana Hero gets obliterated in 3 seconds again, after this.
I learned my lesson that day.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Jackie_fish:Shogun 2 Total war Commentary 2Vs2 #10

Watch in 720p
This is a 22k battle on alpine ridge
I believe we were both level 10 so enjoy !!!
Don't forget to sub

Clan system... How does it work?

I have had a lot of people come and ask me how the clan system works. Here is my explanation:

Azure Total War is always looking for members. Feel free to stop by our Steam Group to get updates on videos and/or join us!

Sibundla Brothers Productions duel commentary # 10 AG vs Virus

Sibundla Brothers Strike again!! With Another 2v2 clan commentary!! Here we have the AG boyz vs Yellow and one of his boyz from virus! AG vs Virus!!

Here you will see how micro management and battlefield awarness is key! Yellow of virus will show you the bad example of how not to micro and how to have poor awareness!

Enjoy!! ;)

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Perablenta's 1vs1 video: Spector vs Cav spam!

''Hi, there my name is Peter and I will be your commentator for this battle.''
This is how I open my battles, and how I will open on this blog.

The battle you see here was my 53rd in Shogun 2 TW, Avatar multiplayer conquest. In this battle I am 4* general and so is my enemy. I fielded a standard balanced army while the enemy used a Cavalry spam with 80% Bow Cavalry. Watch the video and see who won this battle.

I also heavily edited one part of the battle which I am sure all fans of the Old western movies are going to like and recognize.
And to the rest I give a small hint : ''I am good, he is bad and this battle is ugly!''
P.S. Perablenta/blenta/Spector are all nick's of Peter, that is me. Enjoy!

Jackie_fish: Shogun 2 Total war Commentary 2Vs2 #9

Everyone should check out my channel for more videos and subscribe to me.
Give me any tips or something you think i need to improve on.

Sibundla Brothers Productions duel commentary # 9 1v1 commentary

Sibundla Brothers Production brings you a random 1v1! Here you will see the effectivness of guns and archers!

Enjoy the slaughter! If you wish for us to put your battles on youtube come and add one of us either bossmugabe or windrider! Again, Enjoy! ;)

Monday, April 25, 2011

All Matchlock Army. Guns Guns Guns in Shogun 2. The Achievement is possible!

Hey guys, I am back!. I have some great upcoming videos for you. Interviews with top tiered players and competitive replays. UNTIL THEN,... we have me with an all Gun army buying time. It is surprising the amount of damage 100% Matchlock units can do. Enjoy the ridiculousness and hold on a little longer for some great content.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Sibundla Brothers Dual commentary # 6 M_BH and HM vs Virus (yellow)

The Sibundla Brothers bring you a good 4v4 with M_BH & a HM vs Virus.

Clan battle. Enjoy!

Expanding authors. Shogun 2 Commentary community.

I will be expanding my authors to Azure Total War. There are many great video commentators out there that deserve to have their videos reach a larger audience. I am giving certain individuals access to an account on Azure Total War. They will be able to show off their replay commentary in one place. I am proud to have Azure Total War be that unbiased place. If you are interested in being a part of Azure Total War's commentary community send an email to with your steam name, a link to your youtube account, and clan you represent (if you are in one at all).

Keep in mind those new members of the commentary community are not under the authority of Azure Total War. The added community posters are involved for mutual gain (Hits on there youtube sites and traffic to

Monday, April 18, 2011

Saturday, April 16, 2011

1 on 1 session tips and strategy today.

I am accessing, providing tips and strategy 1 on 1 today in Shogun 2. If you want to get better feel free to add me on steam "azurecuzyeah" and I will do a 1 on 1 session with you and help you out.

Monday, April 11, 2011

A Call for Replays

Hey guys if you want a replay reviewed by then now is your chance. I am looking for replays to review and commentate. I will select several to commentate so you have a good chance that I will review your submission. For those who are unaware your replays are located in:

C:\Users\YOUR USER NAME\AppData\Roaming\The Creative Assembly\Shogun2\replays

Please send all replays to

Thank you and I look forward to showing off your victories!

Keep in mind the folder "AppData" is a hidden folder and you will need to make it public in order to access your replays. You can learn how to access hidden folders by going here

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Live games or replay commentary? 2v2 AzureCuzYeah Tom Cruises Ninja Baby vs Raptor&DivHunter

I have tried to put out some replays of live games recently instead of the straightforward commentary. I do not seem to be getting much feedback from the live games. I want your opinion. Should I do strictly replays or live games? Maybe mix it up a bit with both? What do you guys want to see?

Friday, April 8, 2011

AzureCuzYeah vs Sabre My Balanced army vs MASS RANGE & Cav + Facebook and Twitter

Hey guys I just got my Facebook group running so all updates to will be more known and linked to here and hopefully contests and other stuff in the future. If you guys would LIKE me on the right---> I would really appreciate it.

Also I have a Twitter that will also display all updates to Azure Total War. Feel free to follow @AzureCuzYeah

Battle vs Mass Ranged Units. It was pretty scary for a moment...

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

LIVE 2v2 Trash Talk Shogun 2 AzureCuzYeah & TomCruisesNinjaBaby vs SupremeJustice & DeathShadow

I was called out by SupremeJustice to post this video win or lose. Here you go pal. I accept your challenge. Also some talk and confusion about the live chat before the game starts.

We now have a Facebook page that I will use to let everyone know of updates on I also let people know on twitter. So please feel free to follow me to show your support ;).

Monday, April 4, 2011

Hype vs AzureCuzYeah replay. importance of Ashigaru units. Bonus replay provided by MH_B

]TPG[ AzureCuzYeah: I am here with Hype fresh after his victory against me. Hype is rank 2 in the Shogun ladder and rank 7 in the 1v1 ladder with 60 wins and only 6 losses. You aren't a one trick pony from what I saw what are your other accolades in Shogun 2?
Hype: Well currently I'm 7th in the 2v2 Land and 1st in the 2v2 Naval.
]TPG[ AzureCuzYeah: That is pretty diverse. Which do you like better: the land or the sea?
Hype: I most definitely prefer land battles
]TPG[ AzureCuzYeah: You essentially are top 10 in two different games. It must be pretty hard to keep up with both fronts. How do you stay on top of them both?
Hype: I mainly just play Naval battles to control the entire sea in the Clan Competition. Land battles are what I play for fun
Hype: It's been a bit difficult playing 2v2's which is unfortunate
Hype: CA really needs to work on the game and fix many of the multiplayer matchmaking bugs
]TPG[ AzureCuzYeah: Which have you been victim of?
Hype: Well what I mean is
Hype: 60% of the time when I'm trying to find a game with my 2's partner. The game will either crash. Or bug to the point of us having to Ctr Alt Del
Hype: It normally takes us on average 10-20 minutes to find a game.
Hype: Another reason it takes so long is because people leave when they see our ranks. Factor in the amount of times people pull the plug because of anger. It's really difficult to actually get a real game going in 2v2
]TPG[ AzureCuzYeah: I can see this hindering your ability to stay on top of the ladder
Hype: It's not easy. That's for sure.
]TPG[ AzureCuzYeah: What % of people pull the plug would you say?
Hype: It'll happen roughly at least once a hour
Hype: It's a issue CA really needs to address in this game.
]TPG[ AzureCuzYeah: So thats probably 1 plug pull in every 4-6 games or so. That is a lot of missed wins.
Hype: Unfortunately
]TPG[ AzureCuzYeah: Have you ever purposely disconnected yourself?
Hype: No sir. That's one thing I'll never do.
Hype: I feel like if I was one of those people that did that then I'd deserve it happening to me.
Hype: I just wish that CA would give the person who disconnected a loss. Sure it may affect a innocent bystander every once in a while.
Hype: But overall it would prevent people from doing the bug at all
]TPG[ AzureCuzYeah: This is a good point.
]TPG[ AzureCuzYeah: I am going to ask you something I usually save until the end.
]TPG[ AzureCuzYeah: What is your favorite unit (I have a feeling it will has Ashigaru in its name)
Hype: Sure
]TPG[ AzureCuzYeah: have**
Hype: Haha, I do indeed love the Loan Swords
]TPG[ AzureCuzYeah: What makes Lone Sword Ashigaru so great in your mind?
Hype: The cost. Mainly
Hype: They're so cheap for what you get
Hype: For example
Hype: My level 9 Avatar Loan Sword
Hype: Has 6 Morale 24 Melee attack 9 Melee defence 15 charge bonus and 3 armor.
Hype: It only costs a mere 700
Hype: Compare that to a basic Katana Samurai and there just isn't any comparison
]TPG[ AzureCuzYeah: Yeah, that is completely ridiculous in terms of value
]TPG[ AzureCuzYeah: Do you ever see yourself mixing it up with other "exotic" units.
Hype: It really depends on the money alloted to me at the begining
Hype: Normally in Small / Medium battles I keep it simple
Hype: In large battles I always bring a few more Naginata Warrior Monks
Hype: Really any warrior monk be it a bow or a matchlock are great
Hype: Also the Katan Hero is always in my army if it's a large battle
]TPG[ AzureCuzYeah: How do you use your heros? I have seen many people keep them back to protect their general. Is it just to risky to send him charging?
Hype: It's a complete waste if you just use a hero for defense. you need to save them for when everyone is in a mosh pit.
Hype: After the initial charges and attacks have been set send your Hero in there to commence killing
]TPG[ AzureCuzYeah: You sound like a professional killer Hype
Hype: Haha, I don't know about that. Just been playing the Total War games for a long time. I've come to understand when you should do things.
]TPG[ AzureCuzYeah: haha understood
]TPG[ AzureCuzYeah: Alright Hype I want to thank you for letting me ask you some questions. Any parting words for the Azure Total War community?
Hype: Just for CA to fix this game. I think the gameplay is great. They just need to fix the multiplayer issues. Once that is done they'll have a keeper
]TPG[ AzureCuzYeah: Alright. Thanks again.
Hype: Sure thing, thanks for letting me be a part of this.

A bonus replay was provided by the members of MH_B of them playing 7SAM. It is pretty hilarious and kind of raw. Enjoy.

I also have a special shout out for [N]KRAKEN who wasted 17 minutes of my life because I killed his Admiral. THANKS BRO

Uploaded with

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Interview with Shogun ladders Rank 1 and 2 players Matthew BIshop and Si D Tri and members of Carotenoids Unite.

]TPG[ AzureCuzYeah: I am with the clan Carotenoids Unite. Two of the members Si d Tri and Matthew Bishop are ranked 1&2 respectively in the Shogun ladder. How are you guys doing?
Matthew Bishop: Doing great, almost the weekend!
^0Si^5'd'^0Tri: great, it's been a good night so far
T.Cizzle : Fantastic, thank you
CarcuS : Good
]TPG[ AzureCuzYeah: So there are only 4 of you total in Carotenoids Unite?
Matthew Bishop: Yes, currently for Shogun 2. We have a few more members that play the Call of Duty's with us, but we're pretty much it anymore.
]TPG[ AzureCuzYeah: So you all know eachother through CoD? It just so happened someone convinced 3 of you to buy shogun too huh
]TPG[ AzureCuzYeah: How did you guys come together in the first place?
^0Si^5'd'^0Tri: well, Matt and I started the clan back in 2002 with Vietcong, we've played many games, from RTS to FPS, we stay away from RPGs, we got into the CoDs
Matthew Bishop: Then TC joined us in 2003-2004
Matthew Bishop: We knew him growing up in church, and ten Marcus joined our CoD server
^0Si^5'd'^0Tri: We had Carc our token Canadian join us shortly thereafter
Matthew Bishop: in 2003, and we had about 5-7 more members
Matthew Bishop: Played the CoD's, C&C's, CoH's, Guild Wars, and BF's together
^0Si^5'd'^0Tri: we're all close friends actually, which makes it more fun, we've known each other for a while now
]TPG[ AzureCuzYeah: So you guys have known eachother a really long time. Do you guys see yourselves recruiting to compete better in the Campaign map? You guys seem to be in perfect position to grab more members, being on the top and all.
CarcuS : Not really, one of the funner parts of playing these games is always playing with good friends and it makes it a good challenge to compete with larger clans.
T.Cizzle : We are a close knit group and we kind of enjoy how it is
]TPG[ AzureCuzYeah: So do you guys stick to only team games?
Matthew Bishop: It's been a challenge in the past in recruiting people, things haven't always worked out with recruits, so we stopped recruiting back in Call of Duty 2.
Matthew Bishop: Yes for the most part
Matthew Bishop: However....
^0Si^5'd'^0Tri: we play single player but multiplayer with eachother is a lot more fun, at least in my opinion
T.Cizzle : We dont always play as a group
T.Cizzle : but personaly i enjoy single player
T.Cizzle : dragon age, mass effect, need for speed, ect.
T.Cizzle : also star craft 2 is big right now
]TPG[ AzureCuzYeah: Do you guys ever plan on giving the 1v1 ladder a chance? It seems awfully difficult to drop down to relying on yourself when you play mostly for the team aspect.
T.Cizzle : good question
Matthew Bishop: That's a great question, we've actually played some 1v1's record isn't the greatest
]TPG[ AzureCuzYeah: from personal experience I played great as a team player in warcraft 3. when I tried to do 1v1 I got destroyed often until I quit 1v1 for good.
Matthew Bishop: But Si is pretty good.
Matthew Bishop: Yeah, Simon is our strongest 1v1 player, but we all play 1v1's to gain experience and get better. We find that if you play enough 1v1's, you become a better team player with your experience.
^0Si^5'd'^0Tri: yes, I've found 1v1 is a good way to practice, see what other good players are doing, and focus on improvement
Matthew Bishop: We've flirted with top 10 on naval though
^0Si^5'd'^0Tri: I think it's safe to say we all enjoy playing with eachother more
]TPG[ AzureCuzYeah: Well it seems like you guys are the "four" musketeers of shogun
T.Cizzle : haha
Matthew Bishop: Haha 3 1/2, TC's not the greatest....
Matthew Bishop: Kidding kidding.
^0Si^5'd'^0Tri: oohhhhh
^0Si^5'd'^0Tri: LOL
]TPG[ AzureCuzYeah: 0uch
Matthew Bishop: He knows we're joking, Simon and myself wouldn't be where we were without Marcus and TC.
]TPG[ AzureCuzYeah: 4 way bromance here
^0Si^5'd'^0Tri: we plan on all four of use being top on the ladder at some point
Matthew Bishop: So, we're our each biggest fans lol
]TPG[ AzureCuzYeah: Rotating the shogunate? lol
^0Si^5'd'^0Tri: haha
Matthew Bishop: Eventually we'll start fighting each other lol
Matthew Bishop: Then it'll be the demise of our clan
^0Si^5'd'^0Tri: haha
]TPG[ AzureCuzYeah: haha
]TPG[ AzureCuzYeah: As a team which clans have given you the most run for your money.
Matthew Bishop: 7Samurai without a doubt.
^0Si^5'd'^0Tri: 7Sam
CarcuS : 7SAM
T.Cizzle : 7sam
]TPG[ AzureCuzYeah: what is it about 7Sam that seems to ruin your lives hah
^0Si^5'd'^0Tri: we enjoy playing them, it's a challenge, we've learned a lot from out matches with them
CarcuS : They have a large clan, but so many of them are so good at the game, that no matter which 2 or 3 you go up against it's going to be a tough game
CarcuS : And they always seem to be playing the same time as us.
^0Si^5'd'^0Tri: haha
]TPG[ AzureCuzYeah: haha all 500 of them
CarcuS : No, i think it's more like 50.
Matthew Bishop: Yeah they're everywhere on the Shogun ladder, and they bring different strats. Its gotten to the point where we switch up our strats to try to outsmart them.
Matthew Bishop: And all 50 are good
Matthew Bishop: lol
]TPG[ AzureCuzYeah: lol
]TPG[ AzureCuzYeah: Alright guys I am going to wind down now
]TPG[ AzureCuzYeah: Favorite unit go!
Matthew Bishop: Great Guard
CarcuS : Naginata Warrior Monks
^0Si^5'd'^0Tri: nagitana warrior monks
T.Cizzle : Warrior monks
]TPG[ AzureCuzYeah: ooo 3v1
^0Si^5'd'^0Tri: naginata*
]TPG[ AzureCuzYeah: Where is the synergy?
Matthew Bishop: Well now you know our 4v4 strats haha
T.Cizzle : in naval seige towers are op
]TPG[ AzureCuzYeah: lol
T.Cizzle : but usefull
]TPG[ AzureCuzYeah: This is true
]TPG[ AzureCuzYeah: Alright thanks guys. I appreciate the replay and I hope you all become shogun at one point.
CarcuS : Thank you.
T.Cizzle : Thanks for having us
^0Si^5'd'^0Tri: thanks, for giving us the opportunity to show it
Matthew Bishop: Thanks bud, we really appreciate the interview. It was our pleasure, there are plenty of other great players out there that would be just as good!
^0Si^5'd'^0Tri: we'd like to do this again in the future
]TPG[ AzureCuzYeah: You can count on it boys

I'd like to thank the top of the top again for a great interview.

On another note if anyone is interested in helping me design a website banner please message me on steam or email me.

Friday, April 1, 2011

New and accessing replays in Shogun

I want to thank you guys for all the support. Because of the huge interest in Azure Total War, I decided to get to provide a better overall experience. In any case thanks again for giving Azure Total War a great start.

Many of you have had difficulty accessing replays in Shogun 2. One of the two methods for saving replays is bugged. For those of you that have been saving your replays at the Unit stats screen, your replays are broken. In order to save your replays properly you need to save them soon as you get the Victory or Defeat screen. You need to save them right away before pressing end game or else they are invalid.

To access your replays they are located here:

C:\Users\YOUR USER NAME\AppData\Roaming\The Creative Assembly\Shogun2\replays

Keep in mind the folder "AppData" is a hidden folder and you will need to make it public in order to access your replays. You can learn how to access hidden folders by going here